Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Moon!!!!

On Friday Nov. 27 My mom and I went to New Moon. I loved the new director and the way this movie was written and filmed but i hated that Bella chose Edward. It bugged me and I felt bad for Jacob the whole time. Hottie!

Anyway, I think the movie was worth seeing and I would totally do it again!


Chels said...

so New Moon was a good movie? I'm been kinda skeptic to go see it. I'll wait until it gets to the dollar movies so that I don't have to pay twenty bucks to see a movie that I may not even like :-)

Chels said...

by the way, this is Chelsey

Sandee said...

my pics are cuter than yours :) HEY GUESS WHAT? People can finally comment on my blog now, it works!!! SO COMMENT, OR ELSE SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN!!!

<3- sandee (D#2)

Sister Madeline Bleak said...

O MY GOSH I LOOOVE UR PICTURES!! and i loved jacob too. HES SO HAWWWT!!

Sister Madeline Bleak said...

ps. i have that exact picture on my phone! tehe!